Z-upreme Rahi (Ran Out Of Ideas)

  • Zivon

The Zivon combiner model.

A Zivon is a large Rahi created by the Brotherhood of Makuta that lives in the Field of Shadows and can only be summoned by the Kahgarak’s Rhotuka spinners. The Zivon is summoned whenever the Visorak hordes need a walking powerhouse of unstoppable force. Not that the hordes would like to see Zivon any more than they have to, though. Zivon fights only to protect its main food source, namely the spider creatures. The Zivon’s idea of a victory celebration often involves eating half its “allies,” and the Visorak understandably hate and fear this monster.


The only known specimen of Zivon was summoned to the ruined city of Metru Nui by Sidorak shortly after the Great Cataclysm, in an effort to destroy the Toa Hordika once and for all. It was thwarted by the appearance of a Tahtorak and the shapeshifting Rahi named Krahka; during the climax of the battle, a Kahgarak sent a Rhotuka spinner at Tahtorak, but Krahka rammed herself into the Zivon, forcing all three of them to be in physical contact when the spinner struck; as a result, all three were sucked into the Field of Shadow. A thousand years later, Krahka and Tahtorak escaped when Brutaka failed in his attempt to send Axonn into the Field; Zivon’s status, however, remains unknown.

Abilities and Traits

Zivon is well over 30 feet (9 meters or 6.66 bio) tall and has been described as looking “like some obscene hybrid of a Visorak, an Ussal crab, and who knew what else.” With a pair of powerful mandibles; two large claws; four Rhotuka spinners mounted on its head, back, and claws that cause blindness, deafness, muteness, and numbness; six legs that can shoot webbing to entangle foes; and a tail-mounted stinger powerful enough to penetrate even the thick hide of a Tahtorak.

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